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Inversus Is Two-Tone Tiled Turmoil

Flip the script

Behind the monochromatic minimalist facade of Inversus [official site] lies a complex, fast-paced and quick-witted strategy game. Inspired thematically and aesthetically by the ancient Chinese board game Go, Inversus pits you against another player locally, or against AI in arcade mode, with the aim of claiming sections of the board as your own by surrounding your opponent's area with your colour. It's out next year but pop below to see the game in action.

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That's Inversus in arcade mode and, as you can see, it's all a bit hectic. As the board constantly changes, you're forced to flex your trigger finger by firing to block and nullify oncoming attacks, blast your way out of tight spaces, or, conversely, trap your opponents in one. As your projectiles pass through the opposite colour, the tile flips to match yours. Of course, the only problem is your friends are doing the exact same thing on the reverse end.

Variety in offence is offered by virtue of regularly spawning power-ups, such as multi-shot weapons and wide-spreading attacks. Developer Hypersect have pored over the accuracy of the physics behind these attacks via the website blog, most of which is over my head, admittedly, but seems fascinating nonetheless.

Although Inversus was inspired by a board game some two and a half thousand years old, you luckily only need to wait until spring 2016 to play it.

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