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IO On Kane & Lynch Scandal & Scores

Games Radar have thrown up an agreeably frank interview with IO Interactive's Jens Peter Kurup, the director on the now infamous Kane & Lynch. It focuses specifically on the game's critical drubbing - or, at least, perceived critical drubbing - and features some discussion of the Jeff Gertsmann firing over his Gamespot review of K&L. A "conspiracy theory", to Kurup's mind.

"It was surreal to sit in Copenhagen and watch the game get shredded in forums for reasons and feelings that didn’t all seem entirely based on the game itself. I know this might sound like a sissy song of “Boo-hoo! This isn’t fair” and other unproductive thoughts, but you asked me how I felt and I did feel like that for a couple of weeks after the GameSpot review. Pathetic I know, but in glimpses I still feel it, because when I meet somebody who hasn’t played the game, I can be fairly sure that his or her opinion is based on the GameSpot review. It just won't go away."

Worth a read, especially now we all (hopefully) have enough distance from the Gamespot fustercluck to think about it, and the game involved, calmly. I do keep meaning to give K&L a play, as it's honestly very difficult to believe the guys behind the excellent Hitman: Blood Money could mess up quite as badly as popular opinion seems to have it.

Oh - notably, Kurup refers to the game as 'Kane & Lynch 1'. They wouldn't - would they?

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