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It's Noisy On Mars - New Mars: War Logs Trailer

An important lesson about background music can be learned from the most recent Mars: War Logs (yes, they're sticking with "War Logs") trailer. What should have been an overview of the promising-looking RPG turns into an ear-straining confusion as you try to pick out the voice from the strumming music and shouty game noise. Which is a bit silly of them, because it's looking rather interesting.

It's obviously even sillier since Spiders Studio's narrating CEO, Jehanne Rousseau, has such an epic-awesome accent, making it even harder to pick out what's being described. But fortunately you can feel that strange twinge of guilt and switch on the YouTube subtitles.

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So that's looking rather promising, isn't it? It's from Spiders, who made Of Orcs And Men, and who I insist on believing are actually spiders.

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