League Of Legends' Most Reassuringly Human Pro Game
We are the warriors who built this town
Distracted as I was by the Oscars and an orchid festival and watching Casualty on catchup, I only dug back into week 7 of the North American LCS this morning. I'm so glad I did because the Dignitas/Renegades League of Legends [official site] match is now my favourite match in the whole world. This is because no fewer than four players died to an angry building and an even angrier bit of wildlife, and I will henceforth feel reassured that if I do the same I am probably exhibiting signs of "pro strats". I'm going to share it here so that you may do likewise:
Here are the deaths in question:
First up was BillyBoss from Dignitas who died to a turret - an immobile tower which can do a lot of damage to champions early on. I teach newcomers to MOBAs to be terrified of turrets for this exact reason. It also took out Dignitas support KiWiKiD but was at least prevented from earning a triple kill.
(N.B a little later in the full version of the match there's some speculation about whether this was an intentional move on Dignitas's part to give solo experience to the last remaining player in that lane - my reading of it was that perhaps turning it into a solo experience gain for that player was the best outcome of a situation that had already gone bad)
Then Renegades took their turn in the "WHAT ON EARTH" spotlight as players Crumbz and Hakuho took on the Rift Herald and lost. It's a purple, one-eyed monster (stop sniggering) which is a bit beefier than other minions. It requires a bit more co-ordination and damage to take down and if you don't do it right you run the risk of, well, this...
Summoner's Rift MVP.
Here's the whole farrago. The match itself kicks off about 7:00 and the end is frankly hilarious: