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Developing: Life Is Strange Episode 4 Next Week

Enter the Dark Room

Crumbs. The third episode of Life Is Strange [official site] was something else, wasn't it? The episodic adventures of a time-travelling teen found their stride with some solid puzzling, nice stretches of teens hanging out, and a cliffhanger ending that knocked the wind out of me. I'd enjoyed the game before, but now I am so very keen for the next episode to arrive. Thankfully the wait's almost over, as official word has come that it'll launch next Tuesday, July 28th.

A trailer's here to tease a little too, and it's obviously a bit spoiler-y - as is the rest of this post. If all you want to know is when Episode 4 will come out, stop reading here.

Episode 4 is titled The Dark Room, which sounds like both a photography reference and a literal place. It would continue its Twin Peaks (or Deadly Premonition, if you will) twinge to be a magical metaphysical zone. I'm not going to watch this trailer to find out, though, as I'd like to keep it a surprise and this job makes it real hard to not finding out everything about a game before it launches. I barely skimmed this here official description too:

"Max realizes that changing the past can lead to painful consequences and that time is not a great healer. Her investigation into the disappearance of Rachel Amber begins to reach a thrilling conclusion as she finds the Dark Room. Will the answers lie within? Or will there just be trouble?"

And here's your trailer:

Watch on YouTube

Pip, Adam, and I got together to for a chat after Episode 3, reacting to the surprise of saving Chloe's dad and then hitting the real cliffhanger ending, plus wanking on a bit about Warren and speculating on The Future. Marsh has also taken a look at Life Is Strange, or more specifically its time-travel, in his Fail Forward video series, and Quinns took a gander himself too after Episode 2 in his own Cogwatch video.

I am very excited for this.

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