Watch Life Is Strange Episode Two Launch Trailer
Isn't it just?
The second episode of Life is Strange [official site] is expected to finally get out of bed next week, on March 24th, probably long after noon. To that end, here's a launch trailer (which I suppose should be strictly described as a "pre-launch trailer")!
(Psst! Worried about spoilers? You may not need to be: I've not played Episode 1 yet, and having watched this I don't feel that anything that wasn't already fairly common knowledge has been revealed. I.e. the game stars a teenage girl with a special power, and is about her navigating her particularly dramatic high school life.)
Pip offered us Wot She Thought of episode one back in early February, concluding:
"I know it sounds like there’s a lot of criticism there but episode one is also earnest and gawky and sweet. Life Is Strange itself feels teenaged. It’s not realistic and it’s not subtle but it taps into a vein of fiction I’d forgotten existed – one which is imperfect, exploratory and full of liminal charm."
I can't come up with a better precis of what appeals to me about Life is Strange than that. As is usual with episodic games and television, I'm likely to wait until the whole season is available before I dive in, but I'm happy that I can at least watch tidbits like this without feeling like I'm ruining it for myself. Developers! More trailers which don't give everything away, please!