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Lifeless Planet Really Isn't Looking That Lifeless

Last November we spotted an amazing-looking game being Kickstarted (before it was cool) called Lifeless Planet. Attempting to create a game with an Ico-vibe, the mysterious exploration of a planet managed to secure more than double its funding. And, predictable, hasn't come out by the predicted release date on the project (now aiming for Winter). However, it's going to be featured at the Kickstarter Arcade at this year's PAX Prime, and there's a new trailer now. Prepare for spooky and pretty.

This planet, supposedly barren and new, is being explored to see if it could support life. And then the remains of a Russian station are found.

There was also a trailer earlier this year that sneaked past us. It's this one:

Lifeless Planet E3 2012 Trailer from David Board on Vimeo.

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