Lock And Michelangeload: Renaissance Heroes
Fool that I am, I reckoned Renaissance Heroes might be a bit like War of the Roses, being a multiplayer action game with a historical hat on. The trailer persuaded me otherwise and I duly rolled my eyes around the room like a couple of marbles before taking a big gulp of coffee as bitter as a broken heart. Then I paused, added some sugar to the coffee, popped my eyes back in and watched again. It looks a lot like Unreal Tournament, except with more pantaloons and other frippery. That's no bad thing, not as far as I'm concerned, although it is an odd choice of setting. But I guess it means I can call it a 'Renaissance man shoot'.
'Number of times a man leaps from a great distance wielding a hammer' is one of the methods I use to judge a game's quality. Renaissance Heroes, you're A-OK.
If the fancy takes you, why not sign up for the beta at the official website?