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This Monday: London Indie Launch Party-o-rama

Free party of indie fun

Do you long to schmooze with the stars at video game launch parties? Oh, if only you knew Johnny Activision or Ian Ubisoft! Or had the dubious privilege of being 'games press.' You'd be a knockout in a fancy gown, I just know it. Alternatively, a little more down to earth and plaid shirt-y, a plucky young group of indie developers in London are starting collective launch parties for loads of their games at once, and you--yes you!--are invited.

The first is on Monday, July 14, in this here London and it's free. You could meet an actual real indie developer, play some actual real indie games in an actual real indie workspace/basement/pub, and wake up in a Dalston gutter with an actual real tattoo of the Steam logo across your neck.

Twelve games are launching at, a bit before, or shortly after this first party, including Trash TV, 0rbitalis, Beyond Gravity, One Spear Arena, Q.U.B.E. Director's Cut, and Tango Fiesta. I know several of them to be splendid. And some for consoles and pocket telephones and whatnot.

Despite having the highest living costs of all Her Majesty's United Kingdom, London has a bustling indie development scene. It's because we're all dead arty here, yeah? Inspired by the Virgin Media Game Space pop-up, some of those busy little beavers came together and formalised their indieness this year with the foundation of the London Game Space, a spot in Dalston for co-working merriment and indie game events. Which is where this party is. It just so happens to be in the basement of a pub. In some kind of multi-use thing I don't entirely understand, it is also the home of Loading Bar, who do drinks and food named after video game things. Ooh, it's so cramped in that there London, they need to squeeze everything in.

The launch party is free, but you will need to grab a ticket on Eventbrite.

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