Major: Miner Wars 2081 Enters Beta, 16-player Co-Op
UPDATE: co-op video below.
The Miner Wars team send word that their game has finally entered beta, and there's a great big update for everyone who pre-ordered. They're pretty pleased with the amount of content the space-miner/shooter now offers. They say: "We've currently packed in 31 missions, which is about 10-15 hours of straight game play, but could take you much longer considering the free-roaming / sandbox gameplay, in-game editor and multi-player!" That multiplayer includes the capacity to play deathmatch or co-op vs the missions up to sixteen players. (And I believe there's some MMO aspect of the game planned for the distance future, too.)
I've put a video of the most recent gameplay trailer below. It's come a long way from that asteroid-deforming tech demo!
Any RPSers playing this? Looks like it might be ideal for a co-op outing...