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Mass Effect Brings Down The Sky

Remember when we were all fussing about the copy protection on Mass Effect, and then there was that compromise where EA said you'd need to authenticate for downloadable content? Well, it's time to put it all to the test, as the first lump of new content is available: Bring Down The Sky.

The story in the 90 minutes of new game is described thusly:

"A batarian extremist group has hijacked a mobile asteroid station in the Asgard system, setting it on a collision course with the nearby colony world of Terra Nova. Only you, and the hand-picked crew of the Normandy, can save the millions of innocent civilians before the asteroid completes its deadly descent."

There's also a new, uncharted world for a new race, the Batarians, as well as new music for the whole affair. And it can be downloaded, for the princely sum of free, from here.

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