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Max Pain

Max Payne: The Movie: The Trailer: The Hilarity.

(Embedded version beneath the cut. Because you shouldn't ever have to leave our ever-lovin' URL, oh no you shouldn't.)

Hmm. If Marky Mark's trying to restore his broken reputation after The Crappening, he's perhaps picked the wrong Semi-Ironic Action Film With Inexplicable Angel O'Death Cameo for his next project.

Admittedly, it evokes the games' knowing super-cheese, but, well, doesn't seem to have translated terribly well back to the celluloid the games originally pilfered from. It could work, in a Grindhouse kinda way, but the trailer... No. Yeah, it's a Youtube-friendly giggle in and of itself, but my problem is I tried to picture that approach spread over two full hours and saw only brain-ache. I am a hopeless cynic, of course.

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Thanks to "the_incredible_bohemian" for the tip. Which is certainly something I don't type every day.

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