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Mega Bucks: Extra Crowdfunding For A Mightier No. 9

New stretch goal for English voice acting

Mighty No. 9 is looking mighty fine, as we've established previously. It's Mega Man in all but name, with original creator Keiji Infafune at the helm, boss fights, power-stealing and a (nearly) spot-on visual style. Now, despite raising $3.8m on Kickstarter at the tail-end of 2013, Comcept have called to the crowd once again, seeking extra cash.

Comcept are eager to point out that the extra money isn't needed to complete the game.

The video game we proposed in the Kickstarter campaign last year is going to be completed with all of the funding we received from backers. For this new funding campaign we are looking to add new content to the game that we did not or could not add to the stretch goals during the original funding campaign!

Extra stretch goals are the target then. The only one announced so far is $100,000 for English voice acting. Beyond that, Comcept mention "a huge list of ideas". Maybe there's a million dollar stretch goal that unlocks another crowdfunding campaign.

The game can be pre-ordered for $23 but none of that money will go toward the additional funding campaign. Special tiers are available for that purpose, starting at $50 and including digital rewards such as art books and a soundtrack.

Right now we have three things available for purchase in the store: pre-orders of Mighty No. 9, beta access to the game (Steam, Windows only) and non-exclusive digital rewards, including the digital retro manual, digital art book/strategy guide and digital soundtrack. Pre-orders will function as just that: pre-order sales. All content besides game pre-orders will go towards the stretch goals in the new funding campaign. For example, the Digital Rewards Tier includes a pre-order of Mighty No. 9 and digital rewards. The sales from the digital rewards will go towards the stretch goals.

And in case all of that wasn't enough, Digital Frontier's Mighty No. 9 animated series will probably need a cash injection at some point. That won't come from the Compcept crowdfunding but at this stage I wouldn't be surprised if another Kickstarter warped into view.

The original Kickstarter for Mighty No. 9 raised more than four times its original $900,000 target so I'm surprised to see a new stretch goal, but extra cash often leads to wider goalposts.

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