Merc With A Release Date: Deadpool
The last time we mentioned the Deadpool game, we weren't even sure that it was going to come out on anything other than soon-to-be previous generation consoles, but the recent announcement of a release date also confirmed a PC release. The game is out on June 25th or 28th - the exact time you can play it is dependent on your geographic position. Deadpool can saunter across the fourth wall with ease but it takes him ages to cross an ocean. He's probably riding an inflatable rubber duck and using his own severed arm as an oar. It's a third-person action game and I've popped a couple of videos below, one of which is a 'gameplay trailer', except it isn't, because haHAHAHAHHA.
I've enjoyed comic Deadpool in the past but I do worry that the game might end up more Duke Nukem Forever than destructive superhero deconstruction. Daniel Way is on writing duties though - I haven't read his Deadpool work. Any fans?