Metal Gear Online Bursts Out Its Beta Box
Team-based sneakyshoots
Sure, you've defeated the entire Soviet army in Metal Gear Solid V [official site] by throwing hunks of metal at soldiers' faces then telling your dog to bite them, but that will only work on actual humans five times - tops - before someone calls the rozzers. But you can now test your sneaking (and face-shooting) skills against actual humans virtually, beyond the base invasion antics. After a week in public beta testing, Metal Gear Online has properly launched on PC, bringing team-based shootysneaks to MGSV.
Metal Gear Online has three modes for class-based shooty shenanigans, with points to defend, data discs to capture, and men to shoot.
A beta launched last week, but was suspended for a bit after the discovery of an exploit letting folks get loads of free Mother Base Coins, the virtual currency Konami are hoping you'll buy with real money to skip microtransaction irritations. But hey, now MGO is back, it's properly out, and it's just starting.
"Just like the previously released console versions of MGO, we'll be integrating new updates to the game to improve the experience and add content," says the launch announcement on Steam.
I haven't had time to play much yet, but did (try to) quickly fire it up for a few rounds, and discovered a few irksome bits. The way to launch MGO is to launch The Phantom Pain, go through its splash screens, prompts, and announcements, then select an option to launch MGO which will close TPP and launch MGO. Trying to launch the MGO executable directly just crashes, for me at least. I was also annoyed to discover I need to play until level 6 to unlock an extra character slot and make a ladysoldier (your first character slot is the disguise you create for Big Boss at the start of TPP). I imagine it won't take long to hit 6, but still, plbb. Oh, and evidently ↑ there's a bug making my chap's skin a perfect black void. Maybe that's some sort of metaphor. The ginger beard seems like something I'd have done on purpose, though.
Anywho, if you want to see how it's supposed to go, here's an old MGO gameplay vid: