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Metal Gear Survive Bringing Co-op Zombie-Hunting

We miss you, Hideo

What will Konami do with Metal Gear Solid now series maestro Hideo Kojima has gone off to start a new studio and impregnate Norman Reedus? Oh, you know: zombie survival. Konami today announced the first post-Kojima Metal Gear, Metal Gear Survive. It's a co-op spin-off set in an alternate universe where some of Big Boss's pals got sucked into sky and appeared in zombielandia. No, really.

What if, yeah, after XOF destroyed the Militaires Sans Frontières base at the end of Ground Zeroes, the rig and a load of MSF soldiers got pulled through wormholes into a dimension filled with rock-headed monsters? A good question! Up to four players would team up to murder them and try not to die, apparently. Details are pretty vague but I'd assume it's not an open-world sandbox, more MGSV with monsters and co-op. I may be wrong, mind. All I have to go on is some paraphrased marketing blurb and this trailer:

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"Metal Gear Survive will offer a fresh take on the series' famed stealth elements," said Konami's Tomotada Tashiro in a press release those those Ian Games Network swots received early, "but within a unique co-op setting that is designed for a truly engrossing multiplayer experience."

Metal Gear Survive is due some time in 2017.

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