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Minecraft + Kinect = Internet Glory

It's hard to see how we're going to top this story in 2011. Unless Bethesda announces that Skyrim will have always-on DRM to prevent the game causing addiction to BioShock 2, this has to be the ultimate in RPS. It's Minecraft and Kinect.

Kotaku spots that Nathan Viniconis has figured out a way to take a depth image with the 360's Kinect and then have Minecraft translate this into its world. Pow!

Using some Python scripting (it would have been better in PERL, obviously), Viniconis has achieved meta glory. He explains exactly how in meticulous detail on his website from 1995.

So he takes a photo with the magical lasery eyes of Kinect:


Then he does his evil witchcraft or whatever it is, and within Minecraft he gets:

I wonder if he contains any diamonds.

Then: megalomania.

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