Mojang Disallows Money-Making Minecraft Perks
Can still charge for hosting servers, though
A lot of money is being made from Minecraft - and not just by Notch, who I believe recently purchased kingship over all of Sweden. Playing god block-by-block is hard work, so naturally people have started charging for third-party services and perks that enhance the game experience. Problem is, Mojang seems to think that skirts a little too close to the murky territory of individuals who didn't make the game charging for said game, so they've laid down some ground rules.
Pay-to-perk servers, as some players have taken to calling them, have become fairly popular, but a number of chatlogs posted in a Reddit thread point to Mojang making its EULA a bit more strict. Mojang's Erik Broes explained:
"You cannot make money with Minecraft without our permission... If you are on a server, your experience should be the same as every other player. We just do not want people to mix the pools of 'paying people' and 'nonpaying people'.”
The EULA doesn't make that remotely clear right now, which is why it will likely require some tweaks. Of course, Broes' current stance has left people worried that any sort of paid server will soon be disallowed. Notch, however, cleared things up on Twitter:
"You can charge for hosting servers, but not for gameplay features."
So there you go: no more buyable perks. Level the playing field or don't have a playing field at all. Apparently Mojang plans to enforce this with lawyers, so probably don't break the rules unless you just recently bought king/queenship in a nation worth as much or more than Sweden.