Minecraft Plus Physics Is Smashing
Introversion's Chris Delay revealed yesterday the project he's been working at the Cambridge Friendship Club, a weekly gathering of local indie developers. It is, in a nutshell, Delay's own (voxel-powered) quick'n'dirty take on the Minecraft engine, and then when Delay had gotten it into a workable state he realised he could add rigid body physics (using open-source physics library Bullet) relatively easily. You'll find the end result below- a video showing what is essentially Minecraft with physics. Go take a look, and thanks to RPS reader "Kieron Gillen" for sending this one in.
Delay closes with this thought- "Wouldn't it be awesome to play an FPS or a wargame with this kind of totally destructible environment?"
Yes. Yes, it would. A superhero-based dueling game was exactly where my head went on seeing the video- missed laser blasts ripping the tops off of apartment blocks, throws sending your opponent crashing through several buildings, all that. You could even do craters! The mind boggles.