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Mirror's Edge Catalyst Release Pushed To June 7th/9th

Falling into June

Ready to run? Mirror's Edge Catalyst [official site] may have ditched the guns in favour of momentum-based melee combat but despite shedding that deadweight, it's still not going to reach the finishing line as planned. Last night design director Erik Odeldahl announced that the first-person free-running sequel has been pushed back from its May 24th release date to early June. The 7th for North America and the 9th for Europe (and presumably the rest of the world).

Odeldahl explained the delay with reference to the game's "Social Play":

To support the Social Play features, we are using a brand new online technology. We also want to make sure we have the opportunity and time to address player feedback from the Closed Beta. That is why we will give ourselves a bit more time to perfect the game, with a new release date for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst of June 7th (NA) and June 9th (EU). We’re confident that these extra two weeks will make sure the game is as amazing as possible for you the players.

Here's a video explaining how those Social Play features work:

Watch on YouTube

Sort of like Hitman's contracts, then, but with running and jumping instead of killing people with garden shears.

Somebody once told me that Mirror's Edge was a 'love it or hate it' kind of game. I didn't say anything at the time but I quite liked it. The sequel definitely has my interest because, intriguing first-person movement aside, the main attraction in the first game was the city itself, and that looks much more attractive and interesting this time around.

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