Mirror's Edge: In Motion
We've expressed our excitement before, but the first public footage of DICE's Mirror's Edge has just gone live at some console-show-thing. Rhymes with Tony. That one. To recap - it's a free-running first-person action game, based around the noble art of Le Parkour, which is French for Running About Like A Mad Fucker. Trailer and some more notes beneath the cut...
Things to note - the colour-scheme is clean, which is trying to create a different sort of Dystopic mood and to make information clear. Look for the colour red, which signifies the optimum route across the map. At least in the footage, it's a lot more naturalistic than many thought when it was first mentioned in Edge's hefty feature. The combat is a little teased rather than displayed, but the game's apparently much more about the Running Away than the Making Them Run Away.
I'm still excited, in short: It's a first person game that manages to i) look like nothing else while still looking ii) realistic, which is the sort of thing that's fun to wave in the face at the imagination=unreality brigade (I have sympathy for the position, but the absolutism is getting a bit cloying, isn't it?).
I'm also very glad I don't get motion sickness in games.