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Modern Warfare 3 Shows Its Wares

I guess Activision have been pretty good at rolling with the hard punch they took when Kotaku controversially busted open most of Modern Warfare 3's secrets the other week. A selection of trailers has now been followed by a preview day for the press that Activision's prepared to talk to (sigh). Here's Eurogamer's and VG24/7's impressions, both of which suggest a pretty familiarly hyper-scripted experience, but a bigger, brasher, noisier approach to setpieces and a focus on urban combat and the explosive destruction of global landmarks in the UK, US and Germany.

You know! Anyway, some screenshots for you - and what I believe are the first official ones.

Click for bigguns. If these are authentic rather than fiddled, they do suggest that what's already a pretty impressive engine has gotten that little bit more sparkly.

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