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Mods In Spaceeeee: Strike Suit Zero Steam Workshop

Showing off your mod tools by modding your own game seems like a bit of a cheat to me. It would be like me showing you how easy it was to write a hilarious and witty SEO-filled RPS post by writing a hilarious and witty RPS SEO-filled post, because you'd expect that from me (and also ipad facebook jolie football gaga 22cans xboxone). But that's what Born Ready Games chose to do, and though I expect it was easier for them than it would be for the average user, it is interesting to see them turn their space-bot fighting game, Strike Suit Zero, into a racing game, shooter, and a parcel delivery simulator. Explainingey videoey belowey.

As you'll see, the tools are fairly flexible. They hark the opening of a Steam Workshop for the game, so if you did purchase and enjoy it then there's hopefully more to come. I'm more interested in the non-canon approach, probably best exemplified in Parsec Parcels: the shiny space blaster becomes a grimy, top-down package delivery sim in just four days of development. Other than that, there's a developer-built F-Zeroish racing game called S-Zero that includes a ghost-racer, and the Asteroid-ish Roid Rage. They're both at least visually similar to the daddy game, the cheats!

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The tools are now sitting in your Steam tools library, if you own Strike Suit Zero.

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