Monster Mash: The Grinder
Console monster-bothering shooter The Grinder has just been confirmed for PC, which means you too can (re)murder a metric death-ton of zombies, vampires and werewolves next Halloween. Key features are co-op play between four dudes with specific powers, and being able to mess up rather a lot of enemies at once. A little bit Left 4 Dead and a little bit Gauntlet, by the sound of it - and, judging by the trailer below, a bit of a Clive Barker vibe.
Not convinced it's going to be tickling our brain-glands much, but a good co-op mode can do wonderful things for even the shallowest puddle.
It's developed by one High Voltage (when we touch! when we kiss!) Software, but they've not locked down a publisher yet. Your guess is as good as mine as whether this is a bad sign or a canny bidding war. I'll just leave this little note saying they were responsible for Leisure Suit Larry: Magnum Cum Laude here... More directly relevantly, they created the Hunter: The Reckoning series, which was utterly throwaway but good, cooperative fun in an Alien Breed-meets-Resi kind of way. By the sound of it, The Grinder's very much influenced by those.