More War: Operation Flashpoint 2
More Operation Flashpoint 2 news! So soon? Why yes: Codies community manager Ian Webster sends word that he's going to be posting images from the upcoming CGI trailer over on this official forum thread, all afternoon. Meanwhile PC Gamer UK's Tim Edwards has posted his enormous OpFlash 2 feature up on CVG. He says stuff like this:
The art team's aim to create an atmosphere of heavy, muted war is best demonstrated in their attention to the impact of violence. Laser-guided bombs and artillery (you'll be able to call down a limited number of off-map strikes during the campaign) leave the target area devastated, and produce plumes of charcoal thick smoke that climb upwards of 15 storeys, and are visible for miles. Mortars and grenades (yes, they're included, unlike in previous Flashpoint games) will tear flesh apart. Limbs will separate, and the blood from flesh wounds seep through clothing.
Read it here.