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Myst studio Cyan enter the Virtual Age with Firmament

A solid little teaser

Cyan Worlds have never been one to leave a new frontier unexplored. As naff as Myst may seem by modern adventure standards, it went a long way to put the CD-ROM medium on the map for PC and Mac gaming. Uru Live may have fallen through, but it was ahead of its time when it came to delivering community-driven MMO concepts. Now, they're taking a direct poke at virtual reality with their next upcoming game, Firmament.

Inside, out of the biting cold, we've got a mug of hot cocoa and a respectably lengthy teaser trailer, setting the scene and tone for the undoubtedly maddening hands-on point-and-clickery ahead.

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So, we've got some Bioshock-esque steampunk'y technology, a dramatic sounding lady techno-ghost in a floating drone device, and some sort of deep underground super-science research facility to explore. So far, so Cyan, really. I've yet to play their latest - the crowdfunded Obduction - but I've heard no shortage of lovely things about it, so it doesn't seem much of a logical leap to assume they can transfer the experience to VR. My only real concern is whether they'll have to sacrifice visual clarity to achieve their goals.

Firmament is still a bit of a mystery, with Cyan not even having granted it an official page on their site yet. We'll be keeping a close eye on this one, and with a little luck and a following wind, it'll be one of the first new VR titles I get to try out once the next-gen HTC headsets roll out.

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