Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit remaster coming soon, leaks claim
Still the best modern Need For Speed?
Rumour has it that EA are working on a remastered rerelease of 2010's Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit, and by 'rumour' I mean 'several unconfirmed leaks'. Over the weekend, an Amazon store listing for Hot Pursuit Remastered joined the chain of whispers. The listing has since been removed, there's no guarantee it was real, and it didn't mention PC, but hey we're still scrabbling in the dark until EA actually announce the game (or don't). 2008's Hot Pursuit was a good'un as Need For Speed goes, and the cops & robbers racing series has gone some truly dire places since then, so fingers crossed?
The now-deleted listing on Amazon UK (which is preserved on the Wayback Machine) says Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered is coming to at least Xbox One and Nintendo Switch on November 13th, priced at £35. If you do trust this as real, I wouldn't necessarily take this incomplete listing as proof it's not coming to PC. As for how fancy the remastering is, what features it might add or replace... no idea.
Whispers of a Hot Pursuit have been going around this summer, with a GamesBeat rumour naming it in June and listings on an Antipodean games store following in July.
Made by Criterion Games, Hot Pursuit is about as good as the series has been in a long a long time (especially after howlers like Payback). Our former John (RPS in peace) dug it in his Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit review, but he was clearly hoping Criterion would have made a sequel to Burnout Paradise instead. If only he'd known that we'd still be waiting for Burnout Paradise 2 a decade later.
EA did release a remaster of Burnout Paradise in 2018. Yep, it was still great, John's Burnout Paradise Remastered review said. That one did debut on consoles six months before its PC release, so maybe that'll be why none of the Hot Pursuit Remastered leaks so far have mentioned PC. If they're real. Which should become clear in the next few months.