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No "Stop! Warhammer Time"?

It was going to be that or "Guildy Feet Have Got No Rhythm", but it wouldn't fit on the title line. First I heard of this was John Walker appearing on a late night MSN chat this informing me, in a clear panic, that there was apparently to be no dancing in the forthcoming Warhammer: Age of Reckoning and we should campaign against it. He was gone before I could type "Huh". However, PCG's jovial Dep-Ed Tim Edwards has reported further...

"Having just played the game, and tried, as usual, to pass the time between skirmishes by /dancing with my friends, my avatar refused. 'Hank refuses to dance', said my Elven Warrior, shrugging his shoulders. I'm absolutely gobsmacked. But the controversy doesn't end there. I asked around. Who made the decision not to include dancing? According to Erik Morgensen, who looks after the Warhammer Online project for Games Workshop, whether the Warhammer lore supported dancing. "Yes," he said. "It was Mythic's call."

What to make of such things? My personal take is that a lack of dancing is entirely fine. THERE IS ONLY WAR.

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