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Now Spawning: Team Fortress Arcade

Adam wrote about visually delightful side-scrolling TF2 demake Team Fortress Arcade just the other week. It's true, he did! I have proof. The problem was the game wasn't actually out then, which looked like we were teasing you with a cool thing you couldn't actually play. That's because we are rotters, and want you to experience only suffering. But now it is out, which means you can play it right now.

Don't think that gets you off the hook, though. We'll find some new way to make you suffer any minute now. Maybe it'll be my forthcoming Xenonauts hands-on preview. Maybe it'll be Jim's review of the Deus Ex: Human Revolution DLC. Maybe it'll be that dead stoat I hid under your bed. Or maybe we'll say something you disagree with about a game you're fond of. Truly, our cruelty knows no bounds.

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