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Ooh, A Game Where You Shoot Many Robots

Shoot Many Robots has a directness I can appreciate. When I eventually make a game, I'll call it “Craig Make Gun Bangs”: it will have no story apart from a bit that says “he puts a bullet in his gun” in Comic Sans, and then a few seconds later “bang” spelled out in bullet holes. I reckon Ubisoft will pick it up like they have this four-player Borderlands-esque platform game. Sure, mine won’t have pretty graphics, charm, wit, or be anything more than an idea scribbled in crayon on a cereal packet, but then they already have that in Demiurge's game.

The cartoony co-op wild west steampunk... thing is coming out this year, digitally getting all up in your grill. In it, you and friends will dispatch numerous androids. I feel I've put my scribbles up for an unfair comparison: the video shows off a small fraction of KMR's enemy contingent, personality driven robotic death machines. My stick figure with a bear's head stuck on and the word "Bobot" (TM) written in black underneath it clearly needs a bit more work.

Meet the Enemy - Shoot Many Robots from Demiurge Studios on Vimeo.

Bonus video of the developers playing with a pair of giant, cardboard robot hands.

GIANT ROBOT ARMS! from Demiurge Studios on Vimeo.

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