Orson Scott Card Writing Firefall's Story
Firefall devs, Red 5, have revealed that their Tribes-a-like online shooter has its story written by Orson Scott Card, he behind the SF novel Enders Game, and other games including the exquisite Shadow Complex. Some will greet this news with enthusiasm, as it means the already promising action MMO will have something deeper than "the man shoots the other man" as a backstory. Others will start scrawling protest banners.
Card will be writing the game's story, while his daughter, Emily Janice Card, will be collaborating with him on a manga that will accompany it all and be put out for free. Much like the game.
Here's the thing. As repulsive as you might find Card's views on homosexuality (and let's be clear, his views are repulsive), the man pens a decent game story. Wagner sure knew how to write a tune, but I'm not sure I'd want to sit down at his table for tea. Would I want to give Wagner my money? Probably not. You're capable of making your own mind up.
You can see Red 5 and Card chatting about his involvement here: