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Owlboy swoops onto Mac and Linux, regurgitates sale


Given that the wait for Owlboy [official site] was almost a decade, you might have missed that it actually came out last November. But it did! Our John declared it "a treat" and we named it our favourite platformer of 2016. Now the owlish boy/boyish owl has landed in the branches of Mac and Linux computrees, treating more twitchers to a show. The game has coughed up pellets containing a small discount this weekend too.

"We'll be continuing to update and optimize this port as best we can going forward, like we've been doing with the Windows version," developers D-Pad Studio say. The Mac and Linux versions are, of course, free for folks who already bought it on Windows.

Here's a chunk of words from Wot John Thinks:

"Almost ten years of development hasn't gone to waste here – this feels so exquisitely well put together, the combat a real pleasure to play, the boss fights easily finished with a second or third go (that'll disappoint some, I realise, but you get more than enough games that meet your disturbing fetish, and for once this one's for everyone else to enjoy), and oh my goodness, it looks so lovely. And I don’t mean in a faux-ironic, 'look at me liking crude pixels' way – this is artwork, sublime cartoon creations using a restrictive palette to drive creativity. There are intricate locations, beautiful backdrops and detailed foregrounds, that exist in the game only for a few seconds, then gone forever. The degree of effort and talent on display is to be cherished."

If you're interested, hey, it's got a 33% discount this weekend. You can pick Owlboy up on Steam and Humble for £12.72/15,40€/$16.74 or on GOG for a few pennies more.

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