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Palworld’s Sakurajima update adds a new island and lots more and I can only assume that’s a good thing

Nice things for people who enjoy these exact additions

A frog looks vacantly but happily at a fellow frog in Palworld
Image credit: Pocketpair

Palworld is getting a lot of new things! I’m going to write the names of these new things now. I really hope they mean something to you. I want you to have nice things. Here are the new things coming to Palworld: a new island. Some new Pals. A new level cap. A new arena. A new subspecies. A new raid. A new oil rig stronghold. A new faction and boss. Maybe some other, secret things? All this newness comes as part of the ‘Sakurajima’ update, which releases on June 27th, 2024.

“Palworld is essentially junk food of the highest order. There's no real joy or soul to be found here. All that's left is another neuron firing off in my brain, clapping its hands in a daze of stupefied glee,” Katharine (RPS in peace) wrote in our early access Palworld review. “For as soon as I take my eyes off those carrots and start looking beyond the boundaries of my base, the rest of Palworld feels as tired and stale as its repetitive combat. It is, of course, still in early access at the moment, and future updates may well fill in some of the gaps it's currently lacking. But there are deeper flaws present here that I'm not sure can be fixed by fleshing out a few things.”

Thing is, this island didn’t exist when Katharine wrote that review, so we’ll never know exactly how she might have felt about things if she’d had a chance to experience: a new island. Some new Pals. A new level cap. A new arena. A new subspecies. A new raid. A new oil rig stronghold. A new faction and boss, and maybe some other, secret things?

But what about you, reader? How do you feel about: a new island. Some new Pals. A new level cap. A new arena. A new subspecies. A new raid. A new oil rig stronghold. A new faction and boss, and maybe some other, secret things?

Actually, you know what? Don’t answer that.

The flurry of summer games events are now underway! Hit up our Summer Game Fest 2024 hub and our Day Of The Devs roundup for all the news worth caring about from the shows so far.

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