Pengrin: Steam Coming To Linux At Last
The chaps at Phoronix have confirmation from Valve that the developer are working on a Linux version of their platform-bestriding distribution system, and are even hiring new Linux developers. Phoronix have apparently spoken directly to Mr Newell, who was quite keen on the open-source platform. They report: "His level of Linux interest and commitment was incredible while his negativity for Windows 8 and the future of Microsoft was stunning. In fact, as soon as I return to my office this weekend I plan to try out Windows 8 simply to see if it's as bad as Gabe states..." I think that says quite a lot, eh Linux fans? It's also incredibly significant in terms of the viability of Linux as a gaming OS, and I am certain there will be an enormous amount of speculation about what that could mean.
Thanks to everyone who sent in this story. I am certain there will be more news from the horse's mouth in the coming weeks.