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Phwoarhammer: Age of Reckoning Fancy Intro

We linked to the Wrath of the Lich King video yesterday, to general applause. But it's not just Blizzard who showed they could spend a ridiculous amount of rendering an intro at Leipzig. Mythic revealed theirs and it's ridiculously fancy. It's beneath the cut. Well worth watching to warm you up for our Warhammer Beta round-table later today.

(Assuming we get of four collective arses and do it.)

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Or you can go to Mythic's site to burn their bandwidth instead. So many choices! I'd do one of my traditional frame-by-frame breakdowns, but frankly, it'd just be going CHRIST! DID YOU SEE THAT! That bit with the eye and the squig. Fuck-oh-yes!

Of course, it doesn't change that fancy videos are fundamentally worthless. YET AWESOME.

Conflicted, I am.

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