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Planetside 2 Draws Its Guns

There's nothing about Planetside 2 that makes sense. I'm convinced that what's actually happening is we're all under some sort of group delusion, that Sony couldn't possibly be remaking an MMO, and that something as impressive is also free. Did anyone offer you a choice of a red and blue pill, lately? Hmm, no, that's the wrong question: if you took it you wouldn't have known. Did anyone NOT offer you a choice of a red and blue pill? No! Ah-HAH! That explains why Planetside 2's marketing revolves around weapon concept design. Next up: the silly amount of work that has gone into designing one of the many sniper rifles, the NC4X Sniper Scope.

Actually, this is further proof that we're in the Matrix: in order to see the video in real-time, you'd need to be in slow-motion. God, it all makes sense!

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I'm still waiting, Sony. Don't make me come down there.

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