Play With The City Of Heroes Mission Architect
This has been a long time coming, but the City Of Heroes (& Villains!) mission architect is now in open beta, for testing before it launches into the full game along with Issue 14. (Test server details here.) It's looking brilliant, with players about to control everything from "environments, mission objectives, and enemies, to written fiction and character dialogue". And these aren't just single instanced missions, we'll be able to deliver mission arcs with multiple stages. NCSoft report that players can create wide ranging adventures, so they "story can have up to five chapters or missions and each mission can hold up to a maximum of 25 achievable goals." Apparently the player scenarios will be launched from an in-game browser, and ranked by a player rating system. The best missions will enter a Hall of Fame decided upon by the devs. Apparently players will receive "in-game benefits" for making content that is rated highly by the community.