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Playing Sea Of Thieves with my younger brother is our most effective bonding method in years

O brother, where art thou?

I have had a younger brother for almost exactly 28 years of the 30 I have spent in existence, and he has been a ginourmous pain in the ass for approx. 22 of those. And actually the size of that pain in the ass has only been growing, and shows no signs of stopping. He peaked in height a few years ago at over 6ft, and has since been going to the gym and pounding protein shakes in order to increase his width.

We don't really have much in common. Not in politics, or interests, or, as described above, general mass. Most of the time we are together, we end up arguing. He does like video games, though. He calls me up to ask which of the new ones are worth getting, and is very excited about Assassin's Creed Valhalla. But what with the lockdown, he wanted games we could play together, and I suggested Sea Of Thieves.

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