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Please, Sir, Can I Have Some Lore: City Of Heroes

The various strands of most fictional worlds fit together like melted Duplo and hunting knives, particularly when they have multiple authors and are inspired by the mad multiverses of super hero comicdom. City of Heroes is set to become a ghost town on November 30th and with closure fast approaching, Gamerzines notice that Paragon have taken to the forums to provide some closure of a different sort. You want lore? Here's your lore.

Motivations are explained, plotlines are pursued, and design choices and restrictions are discussed. It's probably impenetrable to anyone not already acquainted with the lore but for those who are invested it's fascinating. Kudos to the remaining members of Paragon for this level of engagement, especially as their world seems fated to end.

The forum thread is enormous, taking the form of a Q&A, but all the information is gathered in a Google Document linked in the opening post. The people answering the questions are:

MM: Matt Miller (Positron)
JH: John Hegner (Protean)
JAH: Jeff Hamilton (Arbiter Hawk)
SM: Sean McCann (Dr. Aeon)
RG: Ryan Greene (Viridian)
TS: Tim Sweeney (Black Scorpion)

You can even read the document without fear of spoiling the future content of the game if it manages to escape at the last moment, as heroes so often do.

If there is a miracle and somehow CoH is saved, we reserve the right to change any and all answers given in the doc, to maintain suspense and surprise.

Lore is fluid.

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