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Powerless To Resist: Addicsjon

More concept platforming from indieland, in this quickie tale of a pill-crazed cartoon junkie roaming surrealistic lands for his next fix. It's a deft twist upon the Mario et al formula, in that you're trying to avoid rather than collect spinning, gleaming objects - for every pill you jump through, the screen distorts and shakes further. Sounds easy, if only yer man wasn't so determined to fight against you...

Like Kieron towards AD&D manuals or me towards plastic robots, he heads inexorably,incessantly towards his unhealthy desires, with your frantic button-mashing only just managing to divert him from his intended path. Innocents will be harmed en route [ALLEGORY], unless you can steer him away with timely jumps and ducks.

Brief but effective, tongue-in-cheek stuff. It's like driving a shopping trolley with a broken wheel, only with nauseating double/triple/quadruple vision, not accidentally bumping the heels of a grumpy pensioner, as the dread consequence.

Found via Play This Thing!.

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