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Presenting The RPS Talk-O-Tron 3000

Good gentlefolk,
I bring glad tidings. We have made a unexpected breakthrough! Thanks to science and witchcraft, Rock, Paper, Shotgun now offers for your pleasure a 'forum' upon which men from the 'internet' may 'talk' to one another. We call it the Talk-o-Tron 3000, in tribute to the 2,999 unicorns that perished during its torturous creation. And to the one that yet lives, though I fear it shall never dance again.

Please, go forth and word-procreate upon it. But first, a few brief, essential statements you should know.

- It is very much what internet colloquialism refers to as a 'beater.' The design needs a fair bit of tweaking, much may explode and much may change. Make your realistic and constructive suggestions for such changes in the appropriate place. Please do not, however, deposit your griping about how forums are a waste of time here. For that would truly be a waste of time.

- You do not have to register to read, but registering does grant you posting rights, and means the system can keep track of what you have and haven't read. Also your comments Gravatars should carry over, so long as you use the same email address.

- Standard rules of gentlemanly behaviour apply: no prejudice, no abuse, no grammar fascism, no sharing of pirated (im)materials, no picking of fights. We shall truck no savagery here.

- We intend to keep it relatively separate from the main site: please discuss stories posted here here, rather than there.

- We will in time be seeking moderators. Do not come to us - we shall come to you. In the night. Wearing hosiery.

Now, away with ye!

And for a convenient place to start, let's start with some introductions in the introduction thread.

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