Presi-Dented: Tropico 4 Delayed, Trailer
In the unlikely event that your plans for the summer revolved around the release of the as-yet undetailed Tropico 4, I am so sorry. The game, which was scheduled for Q2 this summer, has slipped to August. On the plus side, there's a trailer! On the down side, the trailer shows very little. Urgh, this is all too rollercoastery for this early in the morning. I feel a bit sick.
Interactive disasters, eh? Sounds interesting. I wonder what it means.
You can read Wot Jim Thunked of Tropico 3 here. He makes noises like this:
The body of the game is one of serious micromanagement. You need to get the balance of exports just right, although you have no precise control over that. The trick is the types of things your farms produce, and in how well you end up paying the works. These, indirectly, define how the game is going to reward you financially. Tropico 3 is not an epic building game, and the building trees are ultimately rather limited. Where the challenge lies is in performing the kind of balancing act that real politicians face: outside forces versus the constantly fluctuating demands of a restless population. Satisfaction in Tropico 3 comes not from a kind of visionary build, but from mastering the tools at your disposal, getting rich, and staying in office for the duration.
What could it mean? I have no idea.