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Profit, Said I: The Last Door Opens On Steam Greenlight

The Last Door on Greenlight

Once upon a website, weary, while I pondered weak and sweary,
Over many a dull and tedious release of forgotten bore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some colleague gently rapping. Alt-tabbing to my inbox door,
`'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, `emailing about The Last Door -
Only this, and nothing more.'

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak June that Adam last wrote about that. The Last Door is an episodic horror adventure game inspired by Edgar Allan Poe and creepy houses. "Creepy House" is now a genre of videogame, by the way. Adam thought it was pretty good, and it's now three episodes in and up on Steam Greenlight.

Quoth the Adam: "There are mysteries and grisly sights to uncover, both of which benefit from the lo-fi appearance, which paints a detailed image but leaves plenty of boundaries for the imagination to fill in. The score is wonderful, sauntering strings that are alternately melancholy and manic, but the pilot does feel a little like a prologue."

The pilot chapter is free, and here's the official trailer from a while back.

And if you didn't know, the poem I'm ripping off is The Raven.

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