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Race For The Prize: RPS Indie Award-Giving

It's an important week for the Rock, the Paper and the Shotgun. Not only are we partially lopping off one of the Hivemind's core nodes (/sadface), but we're also presenting our first-ever award.

Specifically, for the best title at the Eurogamer Expo's Indie Game Arcade this weekend. Members of RPS will be performing mystic incantations and inappropriate mental snuggling in order to ascertain which of 12 splendid indie games (shortlisted here) will be presented with a surprisingly large and easily-weaponised trophy.

We've now decided exactly how, where and when we're going to do that, and it'd be just super if you were there.

This Sunday, 12pm, down on the showfloor in the indie arcade section, basically. Amidst the people that play and the people who make the games for the people that play, surrounded by their splendid games. Keeping it on the streets, or something.

If you're attending the Eurogamer Expo in Earl's Court, That London Town on Sunday, please turn up, applaud politely and argue about whether Quintin or I have the bigger hair.

Tickets are all well and truly sold out, alas - though there is a slim chance a very small number of tickets will be available on the door, if you're local. Don't quote me on that.

The exact time and place is subject to change, as things at huge events do have a tendency to go their own way – so keep an eye on our Twitter account, cos we'll shove any changes/updates up there as and when.

All being well though, the plan remains this: This Sunday, 12pm, down on the showfloor in the indie arcade section.

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