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Real Digital: Game Maps Drawn From Memory

This is wonderful, and as fine an example there is of how videogames exist as something far beyond pixels on a screen. Mapstalgia is a Tumblr blog consisting of videogame level maps drawn (mostly) by hand - from memory alone. Digital worlds recreated solely from the echoes they left in brain-flesh. Obviously there's a lot of Zelda and Sonic and that lot, but you'll also find Quake, Freelancer, Vampire Bloodlines, Morrowind, Team Fortress 2, Battlefield 1942 and even King's Quest II and Zork in there. Marvel at how they evoke places you know well, how they get it both right and wrong and most of all that these layouts continue to exist in human brains long after they were last seen in the digital flesh.

I'm going to have a go at drawing Quake III DM17 from my addled memory alone in a bit - I'll add it to the post once done, if it's at all legible.

Via @liquidindian.

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