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Real-Life Playing Game: Always Sometimes Monsters

There's a fantastical element to the majority of games that the medium steadfastly refuses to differ from. It's not an issue in itself, of course, but the lack of variety is always something we should battle against. Here, then, comes the newly announced Always Sometimes Monsters from Vagabond Dog, a game about an ordinary human being whose life happens to have taken a turn for the shit. With gender, race and sexual orientation left up to the player, this person finds themselves unable to pay their rent and the love of their life about to be wed to someone else. From there, their journey is up to you. Click on for announcement trailer and some further details.

I'm more than a little fascinated. The lovely retro style captures a slightly bleak, ordinary world beautifully. The larger, overlaid pictures of important characters or items show there's real talent in the art team. I'm in love with the music too, of which a longer sample (that I've had on repeat throughout writing this) can be found here. You can also check out a whole batch of screenshots at that same link, showing a few more plot threads. Based on those, the number of differing avenues for our hero seems quite vast.

You can read the whole announcement on publisher Devolver Digital's website here. Per that, the game will be playable at PAX for those of you who are attending, including asking "players to make a decision that will permanently affect the character in the game upon its release next year." Interesting. Set for release Spring next year, I personally can't wait.

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