RPS WAR Super-Friends: The Formening
Edit - and...no. People - including us - are being thrown back to the login screen whenever we try to fly to the Inevitable City. Impossible City, more like. So we'll try again tomorrow. Sorry!
To form the previously discussed guild, you need a party of six people in The Inevitable City. Alec, Me and Ollie Eurogamer aren't six people, no matter how hard we try. So we invite anyone who fancies helping out to turn up at the Guild Registar in the Inevitable City at 5pm UK Time. Remember - you'll need to take a little trot from the starting zone and they'll probably be queues to get on the server (of up to 30 minutes, unhappily), so best to start considerably earlier. Clearly, the more people who turn up, the more people we can invite to the guild immediately. The more the merrier. Or rather, the destructionier, as we're bastards, so not too merry. Look out for the Chaos Chosen ViolentTrevor, who'll be yours truly, and Loaf, who is Alec, and will probably be grumpy.
And no, we still haven't decided on the guild name yet. Isn't it exciting!