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RPS@PAX West 2022: We chat with Brainwash Gang about their chaotic deck-building FPS Friends Vs Friends

One of the best demos from the show floor

It's the dawn of day three here at PAX West, and what better way to wake us up than play the incredibly chaotic demo build of Friends VS Friends. We loved the trailer from Gamescom and Liam even chose it for his bestest pick in our Gamescom round-up video, so our expectations were high, and after playing a quick match at the Raw Fury booth, Brainwash Gang's blood-pumping deck-building FPS shot straight to the top of our favourite things we've seen here at PAX so far.

If you've not heard of Friends VS Friends, check out the game's trailer first (its incredibly slick animation is super cool, highly reccomended for your peepers) then watch our interview with Brainwash Gang developer Edu Verz who talked all about the game's development. Watch it below:

With vibrant visuals and fast-paced action, Friends VS Friends is definitely a game to watch. Liam and I had such a great time running around its urban environment, activating cards to mess with each other as we tried to shoot up the other. The card abilities are wild and include making your head super small so harder to shoot, going invisible, making the other person's movement slow down to a crawl, and one card that blows up the entire area turning it into a desolate wasteland. We didn't get to play for as long as we wanted because we had another appointment to run off to but Friends VS Friends left an incredible impression.

Catch up with yesterday's PAX West activities by checking in with our RPS@PAX tag and make sure to check back in daily for game demos, panels, and interviews straight from the show floor.

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