Hearthstone: Rumble Run guide
Everything you need to know about Hearthstone's latest slice of single player content.
Our Hearthstone Rumble Run guide contains a release date, details of the new Shrines, Prize Fighter minions, boss guides and an overview of how the mode works.
The latest Hearthstone expansion has been out for just under a week at the time of publishing this article, and it's been a great week of experimentation with all the old and new decks. As well as the new cards though, we're also looking forward to the imminent addition of a new single-player mode called Rumble Run.
Anyone familiar with the roguelike adventure content featured in The Witchwood and Kobolds and Catacombs expansions will be pleased to know that something similar is on its way once more. As before, you’ll start with a small deck of cards, which will gradually increase in size and utility as you work your way through a series of randomly chosen boss encounters.
In this article, we've gathered together all of the information about Rumble Run that's been confirmed by Blizzard so far. As new details are revealed in the run-up to launch, we'll be sure to add them in here.
Once Rumble Run goes live, we'll also have plenty of strategy advice to help you beat every encounter.
We've now bolstered all nine of our boss pages with tips and strategy advice. Use the links just a little further down the page for a rundown of everything that's arrived with Rumble Run.
Rumble Run Release Date
Blizzard has established a pattern of launching single-player content a little while after the core expansion set has hit the game.
This gives players the opportunity to focus on experimenting with all of the new cards for a short while first.
Rastakhan's Rumble was released on 4th December, and the Rumble Run release date is Thursday 13th December 2018.
Rumble Run: Bosses
Much like Dungeon Run and Monster Hunt before it, each Rumble Run will have you taking on a total of eight intimidating bosses.
Each boss will have a unique Shrine alongside their classes' associated Hero Power, and they'll all increase in difficulty as you work your way through the list.
Below we've gathered the names of bosses which have been confirmed so far. We're in the process of creating starter guides to tackling each one and will add tips in at launch. Use these individual pages if you're struggling to beat a particular boss:
- Wardruid Loti - Wardruid Loti guide (Rumble Run)
- Zul'jin - Zul'jin guide (Rumble Run)
- Hex Lord Malacrass - Hex Lord Malacrass guide (Rumble Run)
- High Priest Thekal - High Priest Thekal guide (Rumble Run)
- Princess Talanji - Princess Talanji guide (Rumble Run)
- Captain Hooktusk - Captain Hooktusk guide (Rumble Run)
- Zentimo - Zentimo guide (Rumble Run)
- High Priestess Jeklik - High Priestess Jeklik guide (Rumble Run)
- War Master Zoone - War Master Voone guide (Rumble Run)
Rumble Run Shrines
You begin each Rumble Run by choosing from a random group of 3 Shrines, each one of which is tied to a different Loa (or hero class, effectively).
These Shrines are special cards which are essentially the equivalent of Passive bonuses available in previous single-player Hearthstone content (Dungeon Run and Monster Hunt).
Each Shrine you choose also assigns you a custom starting deck, so there's no need to mess around in the builder between every run.
Your chosen Shrine will start each game in play immediately, and will act like a minion with super powerful effects.
Shrines can't be removed from the board, but go into a dormant state for three turns once destroyed. The owner will lose its benefits for the duration of this dormancy period, and regain them once it comes back to life.
Targeting your opponent's Shrine at the right moment - while protecting your own - will be an important part of your Rumble Run strategy.
Blizzard has confirmed that there are a total of 27 Shrines in Rumble Run. Here's a look at all of them:
- Bonds of Balance
- Gonk's Armament
- Gonk's Mark
- Halazzi's Guise
- Halazzi's Hunt
- Halazzi's Trap
- Jan'alai's Flame
- Jan'alai's Mantle
- Jan'alai's Progeny
- Shirvallah's Grace
- Shirvallah's Protection
- Shirvallah's Vengeance
- Bwonsamdi's Covenant
- Bwonsamdi's Sanctum
- Bwonsamdi's Tome
- Bottled Terror
- Pirate's Mark
- Treasure from Below
- Krag'wa's Grace
- Krag'wa's Lure
- Tribute from the Tides
- Blood Pact
- Dark Reliquary
- Hir'eek's Hunger
- Akali's Champion
- Akali's Horn
- Akali's War Drum
Each of the 9 teams also have special minions which you can choose from as rewards. These are particularly strong cards and often synergise well with your Shrine to devastating effect.
One such minion belongs to the Mage archetype. Razzle Dazzler is a 2/5 with Taunt + Battlecry: Fill your hand with Arcane Missiles. Pair this with Jan'alai's Mantle and you've got yourself a great combo.
Rumble Run: Treasures
Every time you beat a boss in Rumble Run, you'll get to pick from a host of randomly generated Passive Treasures. These cards don't work like minions, but instead provide a buff or special ability which last for your entire run.
Head over to our Rumble Run Passive Treasure list for a complete overview of what might be offered to you during any given attempt. We'll be adding tips to that article about the best Passive Treasures to pick once we've got some hands-on time with the mode.
Rumble Run Overview
Here's an overview of everything we currently know about Rumble Run. Expect more updates to this section of our guide in the weeks ahead:
- Players will begin their adventure as Rikkar, a Troll champion who is ready to prove himself against some of the greatest fighters in Azeroth's history.
- Similar to both the Dungeon Run and Monster Hunt, Rumble Run is a single elimination style tournament against 8 bosses who become progressively more difficult. With each win though, you'll begin building a stronger deck filled with powerful, unique cards to help you out.
- At the start of each Rumble Run attempt, you'll choose from one of three randomly selected Shrines. This effectively fixes your "class" for the run in question, and Rikkar will don the associated attire too.
- Each team has three Shrines (see the section below) associated with it, and the Shrine you pick will always be active at the start of each encounter.
- Shrines are extremely powerful cards which you'll want to build your deck around for maximum effectiveness. Many provide incredibly powerful buffs, but also have drawbacks which you'll need to play around.
- As you destroy opponents in each Rumble Run you'll be able to choose new minions and spells to add to your deck.
- Depending on the class you choose, you'll also gain access to something Blizzard is calling Prize Fighter minions.
- All we know about these class-specific Teammates so far is that there are a total of six unique ones available for each class-based team, meaning there are a total of 54 potential allies to recruit in Rumble Run.
- We know that you'll have to beat eight opponents from an overall pool of bosses in order to finish a run.
Rumble Run Rewards
A cosmetic cardback is available for beating the Rumble Run content. Here's how it looks: