Saints Row IV: Enter The Dominatrix Dropping This Month
Dominatrix Reloaded
Once upon a time, Saints Row IV didn't even have its own number - let alone a snazzy, posh purple Roman numeral. It was nascent, in a pre-life phase that many organisms have known at some point or another. That is to say, an expansion to Saints Row: The Third. Back then, it was known as Enter The Dominatrix - at least, until THQ (may it sue still-existent companies from beyond the grave in peace) set it on its course to sequeldom. But now Saints Row IV is getting a DLC expansion titled "Enter The Dominatrix," and it's, er, a different sort of thing. More literal, I would say. There is an actual dominatrix. From the looks of things, you will be, um, entering someone in a fashion. Yeah.
Deep Silver's been tight-lipped about what exactly the new, confusingly titled episode brings, but Enter The Dominatrix is only a couple short weeks away from entering our collective matrix:
"Fans of Saints Row IV can soon indulge themselves in some appropriately freaky stuff as the long awaited Enter the Dominatrix DLC will be available this month on October 23. Favored pets- er- fans who have purchased the Saints Row IV Season Pass will automatically receive Enter the Dominatrix. For players wishing to purchase the DLC standalone, they are able to do so for GBP 5.99."
Word around them thar Internets is that this one will unfold as a mockumentary about - what else - the making of Saints Row IV and will include elements like a Bollywood dance number. The first screenshots only show superpowered dominatrixes and the scandalously exposed flesh of someone's uvula, but I'm willing to believe it. Saints Row IV is kind of like an overenthusiastic, ultraviolence-prone little kid: it has a lot of trouble standing still.
So then, October 23rd. Who's ready for more wonderful (and occasionally nauseating) lunacy? Or, if that doesn't tickle/dildo bat your fancy into submission, perhaps you'll find the next and final episode, How The Saints Saved Christmas, to be more up your alley. I'm not joking, either. That's actually what they're calling it. And now, I'm off to joyously ponder the possibilities.